Please read the below document detailing the Covid-19 Safe Operating Procedures for Myotherapy and Movement Clinic.

It is important to reiterate the measures I have in place to provide a safe and hygienic environment for you to receive treatment, in addition to the above procedures.

  • Face masks are compulsory for all upon entering the clinic room. 

  • I ask that you fill in the online Covid-19 form before every appointment, you will find this in your booking email.

  • Please cancel your appointment if you are unwell or have been around anyone else who is unwell.

  • Please do NOT arrive early for your appointment.

If you do not feel comfortable coming into the clinic at this time but require guidance for your injury or condition, please feel free to contact me via email and I will help you as best as I can online - 

Kerri Layton
Myotherapist and Exercise Scientist